The municipalities of Winnipeg, MB, Mississauga, ON, as well as Drummondville and Sherbrooke, QC, selected to receive funding to revitalize public tennis courts The National Bank Play Your Court...
Tennis in Canada is set to soar after the sport saw a spike in interest and participation rates in 2023, according to the results of a YouGov Canada study...
Stanley Park (BC) and White Oaks Park (ON) to receive funding to revitalize their tennis courts Tennis Canada is pleased to announce the National Bank Play Your Court Program,...
The City of Brampton along with National Bank and Tennis Canada revealed the City’s new National Bank Tennis Courts on September 23, 2022. This is the first project of...
Program aims to make tennis even more accessible, invites municipalities to apply for a share of a $3 million investment in community court infrastructure. Tennis Canada and National Bank...