

Canadian Events
August 14, 2022
The purpose of a title is normally two-fold: it reflects the essence of the text and, when possible, provides a summary. Equally, it should arouse the reader’s interest and...
Experts Corner
August 14, 2022
Disappointed, like everyone, about the turn of events but not at all worried about the future. That was Réjean Genois’ perspective the day after Félix was eliminated from the...
August 13, 2022
They pose proudly in front of the National Bank Open information booth. They are 75 and 80 years old, respectively. And they often work double shifts during the 10 days of the...
Experts Corner
August 13, 2022
On Friday night, people at the National Bank Open presented by Rogers were still trying to figure out what happened to Félix that afternoon. In his rematch against Cameron...
August 12, 2022
Take 64 elite players, including 16 of the Top 20. Sprinkle 17 of them into another draw: the doubles. Add the unspoken tennis law that a player must NEVER compete...