Tennis Canada, in partnership with Rogers, has launched a new national program to introduce Canadian youth to the sport of tennis. Rogers First Set is designed to inspire youth and families in communities across Canada to try tennis and learn fundamental tennis skills in a fun, welcoming, safe, and positive environment.

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Welcome to Rogers First Set – Your tennis journey begins here!

At the heart of the program is the belief that every Canadian should have the opportunity to play and enjoy tennis, regardless of their background or ability.

Rogers First Set adopts the “progressive tennis” approach (red, orange, and green) through which participants play, develop, and compete with the appropriate racquet and balls, on the right-size court.

Using this approach, players will acquire quickly the fundamental skills to serve, rally and score.

Rogers First Set is designed to help players find early success, provide an environment that is safe and inclusive, and create positive experiences. This all leads to the growth of tennis and promotes life-long participation. 

Rogers First Set follows a holistic approach to player development, focusing on more than just the technical and tactical skills required to excel in tennis. It emphasizes the development of the whole person, including their character, confidence, connections, and competence. By fostering a positive and inclusive culture, players are encouraged to grow and develop not just on the court, but in all areas of their lives. 

Empowering youth through tennis. 

Rogers First Set helps players identify as tennis players rather than just lesson-takers. This creates a culture around playing the sport and encourages players to see tennis as a fun and exciting activity. All the activities in the program are designed to connect to playing tennis, building the necessary skills and knowledge for players to become confident and competent on the court. 


This August’s National Bank Open presented by Rogers events in Toronto and Montreal, the tournaments will offer fans the chance to take part in Rogers First Set programming at the Rogers Mini Tennis activations in both cities.

Discover Montreal activities

Discover Toronto activities

Become a tennis player and develop a love for the game.  

The program builds fundamental skills through four key pillars: 

  1. Try: providing participants the opportunity to try and celebrate tennis, fostering an excitement for the game. 
  1. Learn: quality programming that builds tennis skills and provides positive experiences.  
  1. Play: opportunities to participate in point play that develops a participant’s identity as a tennis player. 
  1. Compete: take part in organized competition which includes tournaments for youth. 


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