Community Tennis Leagues are for players looking to connect and organize friendly matches with similarly skilled players in their community.
Community Tennis Leagues provides an online platform for players to track their matches, scores, and progress while being able to win prizes along the way.
Who can join?
Community Tennis Leagues are open to all players aged 18 and older. League registration is organized into three or four divisions based on skill level:
- beginner (ready for my first match of the season)
- intermediate (I have match play experience and can rally consistently)
- intermediate plus (I have directional control and use a variety of shots for a well-rounded game)
- advanced (I have a reliable, solid game built over years of match play)
Where can you play?
Leagues are available in municipalities across the country. Players are welcome to register into multiple areas.
How does it work?
- Players create an account on the national-provincial matchplay system
- Players select their local area and the appropriate division based on their skill level
- Players register for the upcoming session and Tennis Canada will organize players/pairs into groups of 4-6
- Players arrange matches when and where they like based on the contact info provided
- Players enter their match results online and win prizes

After playing a few CTL matches, a WTN will be automatically generated for players. Players’ WTNs will be updated weekly based on the results recorded on the national-provincial matchplay platform. Players can use their WTN to find new playing partners and track their progress.
By playing consistently and against opponents of similar skill levels, WTN will help players take their game to new heights!
Meet The Players
Li Rao is enthusiastic about Community Tennis Leagues, and was very impressed when two players from Halton Hills were willing to travel to Burlington to play matches with her. “It’s great that we support each other and encourage each other. Tennis needs more of this!” Read more

Community Tennis Leagues is operated in partnership between Tennis Northwest Territories, Tennis BC, Tennis Alberta, Tennis Saskatchewan, Tennis Manitoba, the Ontario Tennis Association, Tennis Quebec, Tennis New Brunswick, Tennis Nova Scotia, and Tennis Canada.